(Q)What are the details?
(A)These sessions will take place in half hour increments at Christmas Hill Park on October 17th. Because it's already starting to get darker earlier and the time will not have changed yet on the 17th, we will be going from 2-7. So, there are 10 half hour sessions. To book please email me. Looking forward to seeing you on the 17th!
(Q) Soooo what exactly is a mini session?
(A) Soooo mini sessions are half hour sessions that take place at a given location, in this case Christmas Hill, for the purpose of getting some updated photos. Mini sessions are a fantabulous way for you to get an updated photo of your family for use on your holiday cards, to hang over your fireplace or just because you NEED an updated family photo. And because I love giving I'm throwing in a bunch of goodies with this session (read on for more about Press Printed Cards).
(Q) How are minis different from full sessions?
(A) Minis are, obviously, on half an hour long. The great thing about minis is that you don't have to schedule your whole day around taking photos. They are quick half hour sessions which is perfect if you have antsy ones and just as perfect if you have busy ones. =) On the other hand you don't get the luxury of changing outfits, going to different locations or as many photos as you would have in a regular session. In short, mini sessions are a taste (albeit a wonderful taste) of a full session.
(Q) What are press printed cards?
(A) Press printed cards are beautiful, gorgeous, one-of-a-kind greeting cards. My most popular ones are 5x5 tri-folds which print out just beautifully. I have yet to have one client (or any of their friends) say they didn't like them. They are so unique and have a much better quality and feel to them than just plain ol' regular photo cards. The cards included in this mini session deal are 5x7 double sided. Extras in sets of 25 can be additionally purchased at a discounted rate.
(Q) Can I schedule 2 mini sessions back to back?
(A) Since this is the first time I'm doing this I'm not able to do back to back sessions. I will definitely look into in the next time though!
(Q) So if we can't change outfits what do we wear?
(A) You know I only have one cardinal rule: NO, none, please-don't, let's-not-and-say-we-did, PLEASE don't wear white shirts as a family. Is this a bad look? Absolutely not! However, its not very often I'm walking down Main Street and see a whole family walking down the street in white shirts and jeans. I do see people in red and khaki though...oh wait...that's my dad (because for some reason he REALLY likes that look) and he doesn't even work at Target. =) (Lots of hugs and kisses to my dad).
Okay so to seriously answer the question: Solids with textures (not loud patterns) work best. The more elements you have in your photos (scarves, hats, belts, cool hair)the better. These are YOUR photos. What do you want to see when you browse your gallery? A really great tip is to pretend that you're going to dinner at Maggiano's (mmmm...I think I'm hungry), you wouldn't necessarily show up in your grungiest t-shirt but you aren't showing up dressed to the nines either. Use your judgement--if you don't trust it then call me. :)
(Q) When will our photos be ready for viewing?
(A) All sessions will be available within two weeks. They will trickle up online as the two weeks go by. Within 5 days of your gallery being up I will have a mock up photo card for you to approve. When you approve your photo card you will also let me know what photos you would like for your 5x7s and wallets. Your gallery will expire 10 days after being up for viewing. Ordering prints is an option from your gallery. How great a gift it would be to pass around an updated photo of your family to your family!
Those are pretty much all the questions I can think to answer. If you have any other questions please feel free to email me. I'll get back to you asap!
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