It's the daily messages on Facebook that say "I love you today."
The kiss on the cheek when you pass Mom in the hall.
Her nightly text message that says Good night, love you bunches.
It's the fresh chocolate chip cookies that Dad seems to be making weekly.
Or the way he takes a little time to play with two little girls who adore him.
The roll of the eyes I get from Stef because my hair or outfit looks atrocious.
Being able to shop with Denice and feel like a grown married woman.
The giant hugs I get from my mother in law.
The generous heart my father in law has for the boy he raised.
It's sleeping in a bed with two comforters and four pillows.
At least having a pair of boots for my feet even though they're fashionably shameful.
The groceries that sit in a refrigerator.
The wonderful people who make up our congregation.
The clients who become my friends.
The kiss on the cheek when you pass Mom in the hall.
Her nightly text message that says Good night, love you bunches.
It's the fresh chocolate chip cookies that Dad seems to be making weekly.
Or the way he takes a little time to play with two little girls who adore him.
The roll of the eyes I get from Stef because my hair or outfit looks atrocious.
Being able to shop with Denice and feel like a grown married woman.
The giant hugs I get from my mother in law.
The generous heart my father in law has for the boy he raised.
It's sleeping in a bed with two comforters and four pillows.
At least having a pair of boots for my feet even though they're fashionably shameful.
The groceries that sit in a refrigerator.
The wonderful people who make up our congregation.
The clients who become my friends.
For all these little things and more...I am thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope you have safe and wonderful holiday!