Happy New Year! I am so incredibly excited for this year and everything that is changing with Urban Rose Photography and want to explain some things. This is the same stuff I would tell you if we sat down at Starbucks for a cup of coffee and explained what was going on in my life. So have a cup with me friend. :)
For years I have run Urban Rose as more of a hobby. I picked it up about 4 years ago and really honed the craft. I love to pick up my camera for a shoot and browse Amazon longing for new equipment. Currently, I work a part time job to help pay the bills and help out in our household. I sit in front of a computer balancing books and working as an office manager for a local company here in town. My kiddos go with my mom 2 days a week and a family friend a third day. The rest of the week I'm shuffling kids, cleaning house and ignoring laundry. Honestly, I was mostly okay with this set up until I had a second child. It got exponentially harder. I no longer had the time that I wanted to grow my hobby into a full fledged business, work, be mom and wife. By the time I crawled into bed I was exhausted and knew I was killing myself. I began to evaluate my priorities realizing I couldn't keep going this way. I shut down for the end of the year, with the exception of doing mini sessions I didn't shoot much, took some online photography business classes and began to restructure my hobby with a goal of being able to turn it into a business. My goal is to be able to work from home and have the flexibility to be the mom and wife I know I need to be. If I have to work then I want it to be for myself and family. I love being a mom. I love being a wife. I love being a photographer.
That being said I knew it was time to restructure. I feel like I've acquired the knowledge, studied on the business and have a pretty good knowledge of photography. All I needed was a system. So I sat down and hammered it out. I worked on what I wanted to offer, who my target client is, chose the framing company I wanted to work with, how I wanted to present my business and strategies to network with other business, friends and previous clients. It has been a lot of work and late nights but I am so happy with the way it's developing. The primary thing that changed is that from here on out everything that comes out of my business will be a finished product! This means frames, keepsakes and albums. I will work with you step by step through every bit of your session, premier and delivery of your final product.
I'm looking forward to growing my business but I'm more looking forward to meeting new friends, new clients, new kiddos and new families. I'm looking forward to 2013 and a fabulous year!